FCPS Exam High Yield Questions and Preparatory Course

- 3000+ high yield questions
- Answers & explanations
- Competitive self-assessment
- Real exam like simulation
FCPS Questions and Preparatory Course
Our FCPS (Fellowship of the College of Physicians and Surgeons) preparatory course has been prepared with meticulous care, so that our students cover almost all aspects of the exam. This course has been designed according to CPSP (College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan) given exam outline by giving emphasis on student´s need in 62 specialties.
At INTERFACE we constantly update the course, MCQs and past papers to ensure that you get the flavor of most current changes into the exam. Our Course is highly rated by trainees. In particular, overseas candidates find it very useful as they provide an increased understanding of Pakistan´s medical practice, which is essential for passing the exam.
We have a team of leading experts in various medical specialties, to ensure that our courses, MCQs and online modules are up-to-date and of the highest quality, giving you the best value for your money. Refresher/Crash courses for two weeks or more are also offered.
What else Interface FCPS live online course have?
- Absolutely Live lectures - no pre recorded videos, covering all important aspects of the course.
- Most comprehensive course delivered by experienced teachers highlighting the core areas of this exam with 100% satisfaction.
- Throughout the course students are given diagnostic/mock exams to measure their progress at various stages.
- Preparatory courses available for different specialties.
- An international platform where students from different parts of the world prepare for the exam, making fruitful discussion and information flow almost easy.
- Miss a class? No worries. Super quality recording will be available at your fingertips within few hours.
- Personalized Feedback - Diagnostic score reports and focused lessons
- Free Support - 24/7 support is provided by email or phone
What we have for you in FCPS Qbank?
- Over 3000+ high yield MCQs practiced on a realistic exam simulation application.
- MCQs developed by top professionals in the light of feedback received from actual test takers.
- Comprehensive questions with explanations which prepare you for this exam.
- Choose the exam topics of your choice.
- Target the areas of your weaknesses and rapidly overcome them.
- View Performance Reports on your progress.