What is DHA Endodontic Exam? | High yield updated questions

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What is DHA Endodontic Exam?
This specialty exam is required by DHA (Dubai Health Authority), who wish to practice as Endodontists in Dubai, or in DHA’s controlled health facilities in other Emirates in UAE. This specialty focuses on diagnosing and treating dental pulp and other related diseases, which also may include performing dental procedures such as root canal, and damaged teeth restoration.
This exam determines the candidate’s knowledge and skills, particularly within the domain of endodontics. You will be required to choose the best answer choice for the given clinical scenario during this test.
DOH endodontic exam eligibility requirements
Dental IMGs (International Medical Graduates), who have completed their dental education and three years clinical experience after completing post graduation/Master’s degree, are considered eligible for this specialty exam.
DOH endodontic passing score
A candidate should target atleast 70% passing score to be competitive enough to secure a good job offer in Dubai.
Top DOH endodontics questions
We have compiled some top questions as per DHA Endodontic Syllabus for DHA Endodontics specialty exam with correct answers marked and many questions with detailed explanations, highlighting key understanding and concepts.
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