What is TAMM for Abu Dhabi DOH / HAAD exam instructions?
Last updated on 28-January-2025, by Dr. Muhammad 

What is TAMM for Abu Dhabi DOH / HAAD exam?
TAMM, Abu Dhabi, which is a digital government services platform helping you find many Abu Dhabi government services and information, which also includes Department of Health, DOH. To link your TAMM account with DOH, follow these instructions;
- Sign in with UAE Pass. Your personal details will be auto populated from your UAE Pass account. Verify your details.
- Click on the square icon located on the top right of the TAMM website and select 'Department of Health' from the drop-down menu.
- Register as a new user.
- Enter your mobile number.
- Select your User Type to apply for new license.
- Click on 'REGISTER' to submit your application.
- Once your registration is submitted successfully, then you will be notified accordingly.
For complete details regarding TAMM, kindly watch our step by step guideline video.
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