DOH Abu Dhabi Pearson Vue testing service
DOH (Department of Health) Abu Dhabi exam is conducted by Pearson Vue testing service. This is a global testing service having many branches throughout the world, facilitating healthcare professionals to appear in many medical licensing exams for various categories. You can appear in different DOH exams in a Computer Based Testing (CBT) environment. Their secure and standardized testing centers worldwide enable candidates such as doctors, nurses, pharmacist and other allied health professionals to appear for many medical licensing exams with ease.
Scheduling for DOH exam
Unlike DHA (Dubia Health Authority) or MOHAP (Ministry of Health and Prevention) exams, you can only appear in DOH (Department of Health) Abu Dhabi exam, once your DOH application is approved by department of health via TAMM Abu Dhabi. Candidate will recieve 'Authorization to Test' email from PearsonVue. After following the given payment link in this email, candidate can pay examination fee, than you are alloted username and password to access PearsonVue exam booking at its website. Select available test date and time in your nearest PearsonVue test center. Complete the registration and receive eligibility number to be able to sit in the DOH exam.