How Dataflow for MOHAP exam is different than DHA?
Last updated on 09-February-2024, by Dr. Muhammad
How Dataflow for MOHAP exam is different than DHA or other exams?
The major difference in Dataflow process between MOHAP, and other medical licensing exams of this region like, DHA, DOH, SCFHS, OMSB, and QCHP is that, for MOH AP exam, candidate simply uploads all required documents, while completing the license application on MOHAP website, which are being forwarded by health ministry to Dataflow group for PSV. Whereas, dataflow process for other licensing exams can be performed by candidate himself separately, giving option to candidate to complete PSV process after sitting for concerned prometric exam. For more details, you can watch our videos, made for DHA Dataflow and MOHAP Dataflow process.
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