DHA exam eligibility for doctors | Sheryan self assessment tool

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has provided Sheryan self-assessment portal at their official website, where doctors as well as other healthcare professionals can easily complete self assessment through automated review process. Through this self assessment tool, one can easily determine his/her eligibility to be able to practice in Dubai UAE. Make sure that you provide correct information, like your graduation year etc. If your credentials qualify for the DHA registration requirements then you will be instantly informed and can proceed to DataFlow step. Otherwise, one can proceed with manual verification process costing AED200 which takes about 5 to 10 working days for processing after submitting the application with the required documents.
For complete details about DHA Sheryan self assessment tool, kindly watch our guideline video.
"Hello, I am a GP graduated and working in Ethiopia. I want lo get license in your country and I was hopping if you can guid me through the process."
Dr Yohanes Zebenu
Medical Qualification: GP
City, Country: Ethiopia
"Dr Noeman here FCPS Cardiologist from Pakistan, for licensing to work in Dubai,DHA exam for cardiologist is different or same as for internal medicine."
Medical Qualification: FCPS Cardiologist
City, Country: Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan
"How about the job finding in Qatar? Can you please help/guide the job finding in Qatar for dermatologist?."
Dr Abdulrahman Azizpour
Medical Qualification: dermatologist
City, Country: Iran
"My wife has done her MD IN PATHOLOGY ( Clinical ). She finished her MD in the month of MAY 2019 and started to from AUG 2019 till date which for now carries 2 years and 3 months .Is this experience enough to acquire a DHA LICENSE ? . Does professors also require a DHA LICENSE ?"
Medical Qualification: MD Pathologist
City, Country: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
"Aslamoalikum I'm senior staff nurse .I have 9 years good experience in Nursery and NICU department . I want to know about DHA exam procedure ."
Nadia Ali
Medical Qualification: staff nurse
City, Country: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
"Slam.I want to know about dha exam for medical lab technologist."
Imran Muhammad
Medical Qualification: medical lab technologist
City, Country: Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan