Is there a limit on the number of re-takes for USMLE Steps?
Last updated on 24-January-2024, by Dr. Muhammad 

Is there a limit on the number of re-takes for USMLE Steps?
A candidate who has attempted same USMLE step four or more times, including incomplete attempts, and could not pass, will be considered ineligible to apply for any USMLE step in the USMLE exam sequence.
After failing any USMLE step, candidate must wait for atleast 12 weeks before retaking the step, and must also comply with the four attempts limit in a year condition. On the other hand, after passing any step, candidate must comply with retaking condition for passed step.
All attempts made by a candidate, no matter when it is made, will be counted toward overall limit for the exam. The time frame in which you pass these USMLE steps, and the USMLE score you achieved, means a lot while matching a residency in USA.
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